Feminist Europa. Review of Books.
Vol. 9, No.1, 2009 &
Vol. 10, No.1, 2010

Eds.: Waltraud Dumont du Voitel, Tobe Levin, Managing Editors

ddv verlag, Heidelberg
ISSN: 1570-0038 (1618-7628)

What is Feminist Europa. Review of Books?
Feminist Europa. Review of Books reviews publications that have an impact on feminist scholarship and deserve to be known beyond linguistic and national borders. We facilitate awareness of women's studies' productivity and debate across Europe, drawing on an extensive pool of scholars committed to trans-cultural discourse. We review feminist scholarship, academic and popular work, published in European languages other than English, and thereby fill a knowledge gap. It is thus a unique project dedicated to trans-national communication. This Journal was launched in 1998 as a project of the Division Communication and Cultural Practice of Women's International Studies Europe (WISE) and has now been published since 2001 by the German Foundation for Gender Studies, Heidelberg.
Managing Editors: Prof. Dr. Tobe Levin, Dr. Waltraud Dumont du Voitel.

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